Letting the fresh air in
I’m pleased to finally be able to introduce the Diasporist, a magazine of new writing in English and German.
This project was first conceived of several years ago, out of a sense that the discourse in Germany was becoming increasingly provincialized. In the time since, we’ve watched as global conflicts have been deployed to shut down discussion and suppress critical viewpoints. Meanwhile, the stakes grow higher, as the AfD, a far-right party whose members are explicitly antisemitic, racist, and anti-migrant, has found significant showing in state elections. The rules have changed, but somehow the debates are staying the same.
The Diasporist is attempting to have the nuanced conversations many are conducting behind closed doors. We want to give a home to difficult, complex, and sometimes uncomfortable ideas; to hear perspectives not always featured in reporting about Germany; and to tell really good stories. Our belief is that writing that is inquisitive, witty, well-informed, and eclectic can convey complexity in style as well as substance. Our texts will run in both English and German, allowing local and international audiences the chance to take part in the same debate.
Visitors and immigrants to this country often comment on the German fixation on Stoßlüften, or shock ventilation: the practice of opening windows for a few minutes each day to let fresh air in and the stale air out, even in the depths of winter. In many ways, the Diasporist shares the same project: we are here to ventilate the room.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing previews of our content in our newsletter. You’ll be hearing from our editorial staff and some of the writers we work with, addressing timely topics and giving a taste of what’s down the line. We’ll also be updating you about our launch, when it’s time for that.
If you’d like to support our project, we invite you to contribute to our magazine through donating to our parent organization, Diaspora Alliance. All contributions go towards funding our writers and getting this experiment off the ground.
Thank you for your interest in our work and for joining our community. We’re excited to have you on board.
– Julia Bosson, editor-in-chief